This module will introduce the mechanisms of drug action, pharmacokinetics, therapeutic and adverse effects of drugs commonly used in clinical setting, legal and ethical aspects of drug administration, calculation of the drug dosages, storage and safety of drugs.

This module will improve the knowledge to provide medical nursing care to an adult patient. The systems covered in this module are cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, genitourinary and dermatological systems. 

This module focuses to increase the knowledge on providing surgical nursing care to an adult patient. The systems covered in this module: cardiovascular system, respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, dermatological system and renal and urinary system. Further, this module  introduces perioperative nursing care, malignancy care and wound management as well. 

This module focuses on review of anatomy, physiology and biochemistry related to psychiatry, introduction to basic psychology and terminology used in psychiatry, history of psychiatry and present trends, psychiatric services available and future plans in Sri Lanka, stress and stress management, effective communication skills and professional relationship, principals of psychiatric nursing, and legal and ethical issues related to psychiatry.

This is a non-credit compulsory module which includes theory and skill lab practice and focuses on introduction to educational psychology and learning theories, domains of learning objectives, principles of learning, learning – teaching strategies, significance of health education in nursing and selection and preparation of audio visual aids.

This module is designed to enhance understanding about the systematic and scientific study of behavior and mental processes of human beings. Basic concepts of psychology, growth and development, higher mental processes, individual differences, motivation, social and cultural aspects of human behavior will be emphasized. 

Clinical placement- Chest Unit, Cardiology Unit , Cardiothoracic Unit ,Renal and dialysis Unit , Dermatology Unit , Out Patient Department (OPD), Rheumatology Unit,  Radiology and Endoscopy Unit , National Institute of Mental Health(NIMH), Medical wards, Surgical wards