This module will develop knowledge of the structure of cell, tissues and organs that make up the body and how they are organized in the body. Cardiovascular system, lymphatic system, respiratory system, gastrointestinal system ,basic concepts in genetics and understanding of common congenital abnormalities will be addressed. 

This module will demonstrate the contribution of each body system to maintain homeostasis of the entire body. Functions of cell, organization of the body for function, homeostasis (body fluids including blood & distribution, properties of cell membrane, movement of fluid across membranes), in maintaining the homeostasis the functions of heart & circulation, respiratory system, alimentary system, urinary system will be addressed.

This module will develop knowledge of the biochemical structure and function of the human body and how it carries out the life processes when a person is in healthy condition. The student will be able to gain a sound knowledge of the fundamental biochemical principles underlying body functions, the normal biochemical processes in the human body and the principles of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

This module focuses predominantly on the beginning assessment skills on individuals and family. Learning areas include safety and personal hygiene, management of nutrition and fluids, maintaining body temperature and encouraging patients in activities of daily living, assisting patients in elimination, breathing, communication, admission of a patient to the hospital, nutrition, fluid and electrolytes, safety, pain avoidance, movement and exercise, needs of the patient, vital signs, patients and hospital environment.

Health promotion

Health promotion component will help the students to acquire knowledge on developing skills and promoting correct attitudes in disease prevention, health education, health promotion and the significance of sociological concepts and theories in nursing sciences.

Social aspect in nursing

Social aspect in nursing component will develop knowledge on basic concepts of sociology and anthropology, social structure, family and society, social factors related to health and illness and medical anthropology. 

Clinical placemat- Medical wards, Surgical wards